How To Get Paint Smell Out Of House

By | July 6, 2024

How to Get Paint Smell Out of House: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Get Paint Smell Out of House: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you tired of dealing with the lingering paint smell in your house after a fresh coat? You and me both. That’s why I’m here to help you figure out how to get paint smell out of house and breathe easy again.

Understanding Paint Smell

Before we dive into the solution, let’s quickly talk about what causes paint smell in the first place. Most paints contain Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) that evaporate quickly, releasing strong fumes. These VOCs can come from the paint itself, the solvents, or the additives. Don’t worry, though – with a little patience and elbow grease, you can get paint smell out of house in no time.

Preparation is Key

Before you start trying to get paint smell out of house, make sure you’ve taken the necessary precautions:

  • Ventilation is everything: Open all windows and doors to let fresh air in and stale air out.
  • Remove any coverings: Take down any curtains, rugs, or furniture covers that may have absorbed the paint smell.
  • Wash and clean: Wash any surfaces, floors, or walls that may have come into contact with paint.

Step 1: Neutralize the Air

Now that you’re all set, let’s get started on how to get paint smell out of house. Here are some methods to neutralize the air:

  • Baking soda to the rescue: Sprinkle baking soda liberally around the affected areas and let it sit for 24-48 hours. Then, vacuum up the baking soda and repeat the process if necessary.
  • Activated charcoal: Place activated charcoal in the rooms to absorb the VOCs and leave a fresh, clean smell.
  • Essential oils: Use a diffuser or mix a few drops of essential oils (like lavender or lemon) with water and spray the air to mask the paint smell.

Step 2: Eliminate the Source

If the paint smell is still lingering, it’s time to tackle the source:

  • Clean tools and equipment: Wash any paintbrushes, rollers, or trays with soap and water to remove any remaining paint residue.
  • Dispose of leftover paint: Get rid of any leftover paint, rollers, or trays to eliminate the smell.
  • Seal any gaps: If you notice any gaps or cracks in the walls or floors, seal them with caulk or spackling compound to prevent the paint smell from escaping.

Step 3: Deep Clean and Sanitize

Now that you’ve eliminated the source, it’s time for a deep clean and sanitize:

  • Mop and vacuum: Mop any hard floors and vacuum all surfaces, including furniture and upholstery.
  • Disinfect high-touch areas: Wipe down any high-touch areas, like doorknobs, light switches, and countertops, with a disinfectant.
  • Wash fabrics: Wash any fabrics, like curtains, rugs, or clothing, that may have absorbed the paint smell.

Get Paint Smell Out of House: Special Cases

If you’re dealing with a particularly pesky paint smell, here are some special cases to consider:

  • New furniture or carpets: If you’ve recently installed new furniture or carpets, it may be emitting VOCs. Try using a fabric refresher or a carpet deodorizer to eliminate the smell.
  • Cabinets or closets: If the paint smell is coming from a specific area, like a cabinet or closet, try using a dehumidifier to remove excess moisture and neutralize the smell.

How to Get Paint Smell Out of House: The Bottom Line

So there you have it – how to get paint smell out of house in a nutshell. Remember to always ventilate, neutralize, eliminate, and deep clean to get rid of that pesky paint smell for good. Whether you’re a DIY pro or a newcomer to the world of home improvement, these steps will help you get paint smell out of house and breathe easy again.

Closing Thoughts

Don’t let paint smell take over your home. With these simple steps and a little bit of patience, you can get paint smell out of house and enjoy a fresh, clean living space. So go ahead, tackle that paint smell and reclaim your home.