Top 10 Cabinet De Conseil France

By | April 21, 2024

Top 10 Cabinet De Conseil France – Advancy Ares & Co Bain & Company BNP Paribas – CIB Consulting & Transformation Boston Consulting Group Cepton Circle Strategy Corporate Value Associates Osm Advisory – Strategy & Operations Eleven Estin & Co EY Parthenon Global Strategy Group Kéa L.E.K. Consulting Mars & Co Mawenzi Partners McKinsey OC&C Oliver Wyman Strategy PMP Roland Berger Simon-Kucher Singulier Strategy Partners Ambroise Huret Frédéric Fessart Gilles Vaqué Maxime Julian Morand Studer Stephan Bindner Stevan’ Urien

In the survey, students enrolled in 10 business and engineering colleges indicated which companies they were familiar with, including those listed in the consulting business directory, and which they could see themselves working for.

Top 10 Cabinet De Conseil France

32 companies: this is the extent of the French strategic consulting market (the largest since the creation of this classification), whose reputation and attractiveness were studied by HEC Junior Conseil among a panel of 504 students.

Classement: Classement Consultor Des Cabinets De Conseil En Stratégie Juillet 2022

They study at HEC, ESSEC, ESCP, EMLYON, EDHEC business schools and CentraleSupélec, Polytechnique, aux Ponts, aux Mines and Télécom Paris engineering schools.

McKinsey has been at the top of its reputation since November 2021 in our latest ranking. McKinsey was the undisputed champion of this ranking in terms of brand awareness continuously from 2012 to 2017. BCG’s reign ended in 2018–2020. Therefore, McKinsey again became the most famous company in this study.

The boutique spirit supported by a great band works well. No one has gone up to three in five years

“Unlike other actors, EY really took into account the special features of strategic consulting. Look at the fact that most of the partners who came from Greenwich Consulting and then OC&C are still around, that’s a good indicator! »

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EY Parthenon’s good reputation tells about the influence of the big four on the recognition of a certain brand: that’s why Deloitte’s monitor and KPMG Global Strategy Group rank relatively high in reputation rankings and grow year by year.

Clearly, the Big Four’s powerful means of making themselves known on campus is certainly promising. But that’s not all: the scores are better than students who have had direct contact with EY-Parthenon or who know the brand specifically. From our point of view, the good reputation of EY Parthenon is not just a halo effect associated with EY’s fame.”

For some reason, the advancement of the big four in this ranking results in other companies falling, even if only by a few points: for example, Oliver Wyman (Cabinet was 3);

In addition, there are four main groups measured by reputation: companies with more than 400 points (McKinsey, BCG, EY-Parthenon, Bain). Group with 300 points or more (Roland Berger, Deloitte Monitor, KPMG Global Strategy Group, Oliver Wyman); Advancy and Kea then appear in this ranking at their historical level (around 10).

Classement Vault 2020 Des Meilleurs Cabinets De Conseil En Stratégie

Then there is the tipping point in the level of reputation that the companies have achieved, boutique brands that are mostly well known within the circles and not among most students. However, there are also reasons to be satisfied in this part of the table:

“I’m glad we’re positive on your awareness index, whereas we’ve been negative on recall in previous years. It’s an interesting symbolic leap that means more students know the brand but still don’t know us.”

Responds to Vertone’s director Raphael Boterville, who reports more intensive work on the employer’s corporate branding in schools.

Stevan Urien, Eleven’s partner, reports that these results are explained by the completely different sizes of the classified companies.

Le Marché Du Conseil En France 2022

. “The number of candidates, trainees and recruiters plays a huge role in the reputation of companies. Dividing awareness points based on the workforce of different companies gives a different picture.

“This panel puts us in a bit of a position because it includes a number of schools that we don’t recruit from or go to at all.”

And it is true that the level of reputation of some companies can vary considerably between schools to some extent. Let’s start with the school groups as a whole: the influence of the Big Four in engineering schools, where EY Parthenon, KPMG Global Strategy Group and Monitor Deloitte are ahead of Bain, Roland Berger and Oliver Wyman, even in business schools the latter three. There are 4 companies

PMP has a very tough time at Télécom Paris, where the company is the sixth most well-known company, nine places higher than its 15th place in the overall reputation ranking.

Vers La Fin Des Cabinets De Conseil ?

An exceptionally high ranking, which is explained by the company’s strong activity in the telecommunications sector, the fact that PMP CEO Gilles Vaqué has graduated and the company is sponsoring the class of 2021.

I remain cautious as only 35 students responded. But having said that, it’s true that we only have 5 polytechnics among the advisors and this is a school where we don’t have a lot of presence, we don’t have that period and we have to work harder for the future.”

In fact, these changes often correspond to efforts made by companies at different universities.

Not surprisingly, we rank slightly higher in business schools than in technical colleges.

Altoneo Reprend Le Cabinet Delta Conseil Au Mans

Announcing the annual list of strategic consulting companies In this survey, final-year students studying at universities of business sciences and technology tell about the companies listed in the consulting company guide that they are most familiar with. And they’d rather work for it. The scope of the survey is expanding: never before have so many companies been evaluated, this year there are 27 and several such as CMI, Eight Advisory, OC&C or Publicis Sapient.

In terms of attractiveness, the trends that started in 2021 will strengthen. BCG, which in a certain way is considered more attractive than its main competitor McKinsey, is increasing its distance from the latter. In this ranking, you will find the five most traditional of the French strategic consulting market, after MBB, Roland Berger and Oliver Wyman. BNP Paribas CIBC&T ranked seventh the first time.

Both clearly identify the levers that can support their attractiveness in the future. That is, EY-Parthenon, which returned to defense two years ago

We know this is one of the biggest barriers to our current attractiveness. Since we can tell applicants that we will return to Paris at the beginning of the academic year in September 2022 between Trinité and Notre-Dame de Lourdes, we have seen a clear improvement in the acceptance rate of our job offers. which has passed in the last two years.”

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Our DNA is in the growth strategy. We maintain this DNA, but we are open to organizational and functional positions that can also be very attractive to certain profiles. I’m sure this will help improve our attraction.

Others suggest that there may be a gap in students’ minds between the perceived attractiveness of companies and their actual attractiveness.

“Some will probably respond to the appeal with the size of the forum shelf or the color of the mugs.”

With our reputation, we are second to none in terms of the size and quality of the tasks we complete.

Focus Prédiction Miss France

. We need to be in the top 5 attractions in Paris and we need to put enough marketing efforts in this direction. »

Designed and developed this unique leaderboard. Copying, even partial, and commercial use of the content of this study is prohibited without prior permission.

Owner of the rights Owner of the rights under the Law No. 57-298 of March 11, 1957 on Commercial, Industrial, Literary and Artistic Property (Official Gazette, March 14, 1957 and amendment Official Gazette of April 19, 1957).

Do you have something the world needs to hear about? A pending merger rumor? We want to know!

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The ranking features advisors who have been in our Strategic Consulting guide since the ranking was published.

Our selection is dynamically guided by our suppliers – contributions and outputs – based on established criteria, the most important of which are: real public consulting activity in the field of company management, its dynamism, potential contributions, its size in France and its age

The question asked about the reputation of each company and the weight of the answer are presented in the methodological slide at the end of the article.

What exactly is asked in this study to measure awareness? I was very surprised to see KPMG or Monitor especially because of the low recruitment volume.

Classement Des Meilleurs Cabinets De Conseil En Rémunération En France

Advancy Ares & Co Bain & Company BNP Paribas – CIB Consulting & Transformation Consulting Group Boston

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