Top Cabinet Positions

By | May 22, 2024

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Top Cabinet Positions

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His cabinet consists of 24 official members and all were confirmed by the Senate 111 days after he became president.

During Trump’s tumultuous first year in office, several high-level appointees withdrew from the confirmation process and several senior advisers resigned, including former chief of staff Reince Priebus and former health secretary Tom Price.

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Reactions: When he was nominated for the CIA director post, many Republican lawmakers praised Pompeo’s directness and expressed confidence in his ability to lead the CIA. Pompeo has previously been criticized for his anti-Muslim comments – the investigation was reopened after Trump announced his appointment. When Trump nominated Pompeo to succeed Tillerson on March 13, Republican lawmakers largely applauded the move, while Democrats condemned it. Pompeo is likely to be easily reconfirmed.

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Reactions: As Business Insider’s Matt Turner writes, there’s a long list of reasons why people don’t like Trump’s Treasury pick. Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders downplayed Mnuchin’s status as a hedge fund manager who worked at major financial institutions like Goldman Sachs — two things Trump said during the campaign.

Reactions: The Marines consider Mattis a warrior and he is well respected by other service members. However, he has come under fire for controversial admissions in the past, such as when he said in 2005 that “it was fun to shoot some people.” However, senators on both sides of the aisle have praised the choice, even though he had to abandon a law that would have required service members to wait seven years to provide checks and balances before becoming defense secretary.

Duties: Serve as the nation’s chief law enforcement officer, representing the United States in court cases, providing formal and informal legal advice and counsel to the executive branch.

Reactions: Sessions’ consideration of a cabinet post revived accusations of racism that threatened his chance to become a federal district judge in 1986, when a prosecutor called Sessions “un-American” from the NAACP and the ACLU. Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said he was “very concerned” about Sessions’ record on civil rights, a sentiment echoed by other moderates. Meanwhile, many conservatives praised Trump’s election, and Republican senators said they would vote for his confirmation. Liberals also strongly oppose Sessions’ “zero tolerance” immigration policy, echoing Trump’s call to build a wall along the southern border.

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Duties: Oversees agencies including the management and conservation of federal lands and natural resources, the National Park Service, the Bureau of Land Management, and the United States Geological Survey.

Reactions: Environmental groups expressed concern that while Zinke claims he wants to protect natural resources, his voting record reflects his support for fossil fuel companies, particularly coal mining on federal lands.

Reactions: Purdue’s appointment is largely non-controversial. Some environmental groups issued statements saying they were concerned it would not protect drinking water or natural resources, but agricultural organizations seemed happy.

Reactions: There hasn’t been much opposition to Ross’ appointment. Some critics highlight his billionaire, insider status and the fact that his coal company oversaw the 2005 saga mine that killed a dozen people.

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Reactions: After the polarizing Andrew Puzder withdrew his nomination, many on both sides of the aisle saw Acosta as a sensible choice for the job. The AFL-CIO union said Acosta’s nomination “deserves serious consideration.” The Senate has confirmed him three times for other roles, so he was expected to rise again, and he did.

Duties: Heads the Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees agencies such as the FDA, CDC, NIH and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Reactions: Trump’s first secretary of state, Tom Price, resigned in September after the cost of his flights sparked bipartisan outrage. The Senate confirmed Azar’s nomination in January, split along party lines. Democrats criticized Azar for Eli Lilly & Co. raised drug prices during his five years as president of its US unit. Some patient and consumer groups also opposed his nomination, while Republicans and some medical groups praised Azar for his experience working at HHS under Bush 43.

Reactions: House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi called Carson “a troublingly unqualified pick” because he has never worked specifically on housing or urban development, or held any government office. Other critics have expressed similar concerns, with Carson calling fair housing policies “social engineering” in a 2015 opinion piece.

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Duties: Lead the US Department of Transportation, which includes the Federal Aviation Administration and the Federal Highway Administration

Reactions: Both Uber and Lyft said they would accept the option, as Chao has said she supports the gig economy. Chao has not faced much opposition, especially because he is a well-known, respected figure with experience at the federal level.

Reactions: Perry has previously said he wants to abolish the Energy Department (though he has forgotten its name), prompting supporters of the agency to question his appointment. Democrats also criticized Perry for serving on the board of the company behind the highly controversial Dakota Access Pipeline, as an example of why he is unfit for office.

Reactions: While school voucher supporters have predictably applauded Trump’s election, its opponents have criticized DeVos, arguing the program undermines public schools and funds private schools at taxpayer expense. The teachers union has also criticized him, saying that he does not understand the scenario of public schools as he sends his children to private schools.

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Duties: Manages national cemeteries, leading the agency to provide medical benefits and care to the nation’s veterans through VA’s 1,233 medical facilities.

Reactions: Wilkie was considered a safe pick after Trump’s first VA secretary, David Shulkin, quit in March (the White House says he resigned; they say he was fired). Former White House doctor Ronny Jackson, Trump’s choice to replace him, had to withdraw his candidacy in April after mounting allegations of misconduct emerged.

Duties: Secure the border against illegal immigration, protect the president, respond to natural disasters, coordinate intelligence, counter terrorist threats. President George W. Bush established the Department of Homeland Security after 9/11.

Reactions: Nielsen, whom Trump named John Kelly as his chief of staff after Trump nominated him, was known in the West Wing as a staunch supporter of Kelly’s agenda. His blunt and no-nonsense manner reportedly caused some controversy among Trump aides. Because of Nielsen’s national security and cybersecurity expertise, there was little reaction to the appointment. But she has become a flashpoint under the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy, which has alienated immigrant families and prompted many to call for her resignation.

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Reactions: Some diplomats have criticized Haley for her lack of experience on the world stage because she has never held a position in the federal government. Democratic senators said they would have “thorough” confirmation hearings, but said they would consider them appropriate.

Duties: America’s top trade negotiator, develops and recommends trade policy to the president, coordinates trade policy within the government

Reactions: Lighthizer praised Trump’s approach to trade, particularly his harsh criticism of China, and also praised the businessman’s trade policies in a 2011 report in the Washington Times. Even those who support free trade and disagree with Trump’s views on the issue disagree with Lighthizer. He does, however, have experience serving in the executive branch — a quality that many in Trump’s cabinet lack. Republican Senators John McCain of Arizona and Ben Sasse of Nebraska voted against Lighthizer’s confirmation due to their opposition to the “positive economic benefits of the North American Free Trade Agreement”.

Reactions: Mulvaney’s willingness to cut the federal budget is good news for Republican deficit advocates, but it clashes with Trump’s plans to increase infrastructure and defense spending.

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Reactions: Environmental groups and Democratic leaders rejected the alternative, citing Pruitt’s denial of climate change and his ongoing lawsuits against the EPA. Pruitt has described himself as “the leading advocate against the EPA’s activist agenda,” telling opponents of Trump’s election that he could dismantle the agency — and destroy Obama’s environmental legacy in the process.

Duties: To lead the Small Business Administration, which helps Americans start, grow and manage small businesses through policy initiatives, grants and loans.

Reactions: After McMahon turned her and her husband’s small business into a huge empire, many are hopeful that she will understand the needs of America’s small business owners.

Reactions: Coates is well-respected among his fellow senators in both parties and was expected to be easily confirmed.

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Reactions: Haspel faced a difficult nomination process amid concerns over her torture record. Human rights and civil liberties groups criticized Haspel, and many Democrats spoke out against her nomination. But Haspel is widely respected in the intelligence community, and nearly all Republicans said they support the pick. After Trump appointed Pompeo as secretary of state, he became CIA director.

Reactions: As the third retired general tapped by Trump for a top leadership role,

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